Thank you for visiting our website. We are so glad you are here. We realize that no matter how hard we try to explain our services on this site, you are likely to still have questions.

We also know that some of you would rather text than email, so please don’t hesitate to text us at 614.579.8321. We will reply just as soon as we are able.

For those of you who feel more comfortable with email, please remember two things:

1: Simply by sending us an email does not mean that you will be receiving endless promotions and ads. We will do our best to answer your questions and help you to understand how our process works. Then we will leave it to you to decide how and if you move forward.

2: Discretion and your privacy is something we take very seriously. Your information will never be shared and the only images you see on our site are those with the expressed written consent of our clients.

Thank you again for visiting – We look forward to hearing from you.

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